In 2019, Kiva branched out in a big way. From Labs to Kiva Capital, we have ever more reasons to depend on our editing and translating volunteers for the loan review process. This community of over 430 Review and Translation Program (RTP) volunteers regularly review 16k loan profiles each month (the current record is 21,221 profiles c. December 2018!) before they go live to -- thus bolstering Kiva’s due diligence process.
While the lender community chooses from the many diverse loan options that volunteers review, it’s important to note that many RTP volunteers are also active lenders. We are grateful to have them in our corner as some of our strongest advocates. Please take a moment to acknowledge each of their collective accomplishments in 2019 with this year in review!
-- Sarah Klem, Review and Translation Program
Letters from an Intern: Sarah Klem engages with the Kiva community →NEXT ARTICLE
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