A loan helped to purchase barbasco by the quintal and pay for transportation.

Guadalupe Monserrate's story

Guadalupe Monserrate and her family live in Los Bajos de Montecristi, which stands out for its crafts made from toquilla straw, wicker, piquigua fiber, and wood, and for the fine toquilla straw hats, known to the world as the "Panamá Hat" and well-known throughout the country and outside it.

Guadalupe Monserrate is very grateful for the loans. With them, her sales are increasing. She and her spouse are 100% barbasco merchants, by the sack (it is a product from a tree which is micro-pulverized, it is a light brown powder to control fish in shrimp pools). They purchase it from farmers and sell by the quintal. Their customers come to purchase at the house where they make their sales. Sometimes they ship orders and deliver to the shrimp producers. They work from Monday to Saturday.

This loan is to purchase barbasco by the quintal and pay for transportation.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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