A loan helped to buy pants, blouses, shirts, dresses, children's clothing, among other garments.

Zetty Sebastiana's story

Mrs. Zetty Sebastiana is 63 years old. Some time ago, her husband passed away. From that relationship she has 2 adult children who live in the city of Portoviejo, a place that has many tourist attractions with a varied gastronomy and hard working people who do whatever is necessary to move their families forward.

She is a hardworking woman who looks for ways to earn more means for herself and with them, can move forward without depending on her children. She works in the sale of clothing, going door to door as well as selling items from her house and over the phone. She offers sales on credit or cash depending on the client. Now, with the help of this loan, she hopes to be able to buy more varied garments and improve her business.

This loan will be used to buy pants, blouses, shirts, dresses, children's clothing, among other garments.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David DiSilvestro.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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